Nov 20 – 21, 2022
We drove back to Puerto Cortes, hoping that we could arrange shipping of the car. We sent all the documentation to the contact we were given and crossed our fingers. The weather seemed to mirror our mood and took a turn for the worse with torrential rain pelting down for most of our drive, especially as we got closer to Pedro Sula. We got stuck in a traffic jam for 1 hour, barely moving, not knowing what the issue was until we got to the point where the road dipped sharply and was flooded. Cars had to go at snail pace to cross over!
In the meantime, Paul had found another shipping company and we went straight to their office when we arrived in Puerto Cortes. Luckily for us, Mario was there and could speak English. His company did not ship cars but he promised to find us another contact. Thank you for your help Mario!
By then it was getting dark…and still raining! Next to the office was a PUMA petrol station and we asked if we could park for the night under a covered area on the forecourt. The attendant called the manager who came round and agreed but was concerned about our safety as large trucks go in and out of the station 24/7. He even went as far as putting some traffic cones near the car to give us some protection. This was our first encounter with Nelson… but not the last as the next part of the story will tell…